Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Giggles at the Gammelgården

 On Monday I had a session that was just for fun. My neighbors had just turned seven and a half (the half is a big deal when your seven and a half) and neither of them have front teeth. I wanted to document this special time in their lives, and I love how they turned out!

We all hopped into their minivan and drove to the Gammelgården in Scandia, MN. I had been their a few times before, but never for a session. Such a fun location! We had the whole thing to ourselves.

I love this one. It was at the end of the session, and we were all a little warm and a lot hungry. Her sister had just tickled her. Can't you just hear her giggle?


1 comment:

  1. It was a super fun day and the girls did amazing in front of the goes without saying that Laura did great BEHIND the camera, as always!
