Tuesday, June 5, 2012


A few weeks ago, my mom asked me a question. It took me by surprise and I have to say I've thought about it quite a bit.

"What inspires you?"

Why do you do what you do? What makes it worth it? What makes your creativity "tick"? When you have a stack of paperwork in front of you, what keeps you from throwing the towel in?

This is it. This image pretty much sums it up.

A wiggly nine month old full of smiles sitting on a quilt in her back yard. Laughing behind the camera when she pulls off the headband. Again. Reading Facebook statuses from my clients after they've looked at their portraits. "I love them all! You make it so hard to choose!"

I could go all technical and say: 1. amazing backlight at 1/400, f/4, and ISO100, 2. nail the focus, 3. crazy bokeh/ depth of field, 4. with orbs of confusion (yes that is the technical term, no lie) 5. a slight breeze would be nice, and finally 6. a cute subject.

But now I've lost you. :)

Come back!

To sum it up, I've got my mojo back. Thanks Little Miss R.

Inspiration is important. What inspires you?

And, because who can resist bubbles: here is another look at today's session.

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